Our frame of mind has a lot to do with how we feel about going about our business. It's pouring with rain, we feel grim, we have to drive a hundred miles, we are away from the family in a hotel or there is someone in the office that gets on our nerves. Whatever the reason we have to pick ourselves up and kick into a positive attitude or frame of mind.

Easier said than done! I hear you cry!

The real professionals in sales motivation from around the world have all agreed that the use of "self motivators" make an impact on how they feel.

A "self motivator" is a word, slogan, platitude, quotation or symbol that is meaningful to you and when you develop the habit to respond to such a motivator, it will move you to desirable action at the right time.

Here are some examples from over the years:-

  • "Success is achieved by those who try and then try harder"
  • "When the going gets tough the tough gets going"
  • "I can, I must and I will"
  • "The world will pay your price"
  • "The buck stops here"
  • "The winner never quits and the quitter never wins"
  • "The harder you work the luckier you get"
  • "If it's to be, It's up to me" (my own and i use it daily)
  • "To become successful, act successful"
  • "Go the extra mile"
  • "To score you need a goal"
  • "If you aim at nothing that's just what you will hit"





Choose one of the above slogans, add to it the words "Do it now" and you will be well on the way to clicking that switch into positive action.

Say it ten to twenty times a day, have it on paper near you, in the car, on your mirror and even the fridge door.

After practice you will find it works.

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